Listening to the Universe

It reveals strange and mysterious things to those who listen. Here are some it shared with me.

I’ve always been a deep and curious listener. It’s something I love about myself: the ability to just tune in and pick up on undercurrents and deeper issues.

I’ve also been through a lot lately, and I knew it was coming because I’d been listening. This past year has been full of chaos and intense transformations professionally, personally, spiritually. Some positive, many earth-shattering. One of those transformations was my marriage ending last year.

When it did, a friend said “brother, the universe is going to start talking to you. And it’ll weird you out, because it’s going to do some wild things. Absolutely crazy things. Listen well.” I had no idea just how right they were, or just how loud the universe would be talking to me.

I’d like to tell you some of them. Plainly, out of respect for you, me, and the insights I’ve received.

How it started #

Things began with a whisper last year when the universe told me that I’d have to fight my editor to keep the integrity of my book intact. It came to pass. I did fight, and I won.

I was determined to listen deeper.

It told me next through a reading that this next season of life would be full of impossible goodbyes and joy. It has certainly been that, and on a level I couldn’t conceive, even with my huge imagination.

It told me, to the day, and how my marriage would end. It was right. Before that day, I had this confirmed through another reading, because I wondered how something so catastrophic was possible.

Within the span of 2 weeks, I lost my home, wife of 17 years, my dog, my cat, money, and my family in one fell of the axe. i feared for my future and more than once for my life. I’d never been so low.

Was this confirmation bias, you wonder? Hardly. When something I love is threatened, I fight for it. I fight hard and don’t go down easy. Here, I resolved to give it everything I had, and to do it so that I wouldn’t have one single regret. I achieved that, with the sole exception that I up giving more than I should have.

Neither villain nor victim, this didn’t happen to me for a particular reason. I was just me trying to be me. And that me was someone who chose himself when pushed and abused to do otherwise.

It’s not all bad #

Yes, I’ve taken massive and deeply unfair hits, and have had to make choices while at crossroads that shattered me. Some where I wish I could have just broken my own legs and laid down in the road before having to make another.

I’ve seen some of what’s to come for myself and my life, and it’s what always comes after life’s great difficulties: joy, peace, stillness, strength, security.

For instance, it told me that justice was coming. First through a song randomly on a Saturday morning (The Garden, by He Is Legend), then through a tarot card I pulled the next day (Justice), and then the day after through opening a new book directly to the exact the page describing the card I’d pulled. Even my level of anxiety found itself stilled.

It’s also led me to joy and lightness that I’ve never known. Because I listened to it, and to myself.

It told me months ago about a very important date in a dream. I never dream about numbers, and if they appear they’re always gibberish. This one? Written in clear, bold lettering with “birth” alongside it. I was with my ex when I had that dream, and thought it was about becoming a parent since we were having conversations about it. But when the day came, I found out what it was: the day my name change was officially, legally recognized. So it was a brith, of sorts. Forecast months in advance.

What’s next #

On more than one occasion, I’ve been tempted into bitterness and hopelessness. But every time, every single time, I hear a bit of good news from the universe like some sweet, far-off song making its way to my ears. It’s enough to fend off any bitter gremlins and keep my heart working, even if it’s in recovery.

That’s where I am now: I’m hearing about other events, people I know and care about, and happenings that seem impossible. Things that, if they do happen, would see me gladly walk through the abyss of this season again with a smile on my face.

I would love to see those things happen now, and wish with my whole heart that they’d make haste to get here. But they will only be revealed in time. I could be wrong and have lost my mind. But knowing what’s happened so far: I’m not, and I didn’t.

Anticipation and uncertainty are always 9/10 of the fun, anyway.