
Credits and other information about the site.

Launch #

The current version of this site launched in July of 2023 as a digital garden, replacing a very cute but very resource-intensive site. See my rationale for more on this.

Typography #

This site uses Commercial Type’s Atlas Grostesk and Paratype’s PT Mono for body text and preformatted text, respectively. The headlines are set in DJR Type’s Roslindale.

Site #

Hugo powers this site, it’s an open source framework for building static sites. There are no trackers, cookies, or anything weird. It’s good old HTML, CSS, and some JS for styling and the search function.

This site is based off the hugo-book theme by Alex Shpak.

Headings #

this is h1 heading #

this is h2 heading #

this is h3 heading #

this is h4 heading #

Body Stuff #

this is a standard paragraph, please look at it. it is pretty and long and gorgeous and has just the right line length and line height. it also has code and links and bold stuff and italic stuff and strikethrough stuff. Cool, right?

Here’s a blockquote. This is nice and you can use it to show off how smart some of the people are who made these quotes. Or dumb, whatever.

a local link and an external link

  • This is a list, with:
  • bold
  • italic
  • link
  • code
    • This is a nested list:
    • bold
    • italic
    • link
    • code
This is a code block, which is just for fragments of computer code.
The PRE element tells visual user agents that the enclosed text is "preformatted". When handling preformatted text, visual user agents:

May leave white space intact.
May render text with a fixed-pitch font.
May disable automatic word wrap.
Must not disable bidirectional processing.

Buttons #

Get Home Contribute

Tables #

Item Price # In stock Another #
Juicy Apples 1.99 7 1.99 7
Bananas 1.89 5234 1.89 5234
Juicy Apples 1.99 7 1.99 7
Bananas 1.89 5234 1.89 5234
Juicy Apples 1.99 7 1.99 7
Bananas 1.89 5234 1.89 5234
Juicy Apples 1.99 7 1.99 7
Bananas 1.89 5234 1.89 5234

Graphs #

stateDiagram-v2 State1: state1 here note right of State1 Note on State 1 end note State1 --> State2 note right of State2 : This is the note to the right. State1 --> State3 State3: WHOOOOO STATE 3 BAYBEE note left of State3 : 3 state note

Columns and Images #

Tabs #

Incoming #

  • Salem’s Lot

Incoming #

  • Return to Seoul (2022)

Incoming #

  • Horizon Forbidden West

Hints #

General info hint.
Warning info hint.
  • RSS Feed
  • Updated & © January 10, 2025